How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Padding hair gives a lot of confidence to women. Some of the women hair is very thin. If you have thinner hair, following tips will increase your hair growth faster.
Gently brushing
If you’re suffering from excess hair loss, brush you’re with comb slightly slower rather than speed. Then you can protect the hair from breakage. 
Massage your hair
Apply oil on the scalp deeply by massage. This will increase the blood circulation to the hair in order to hair grow stronger.
Head bath with Sapindus
Head bath with Sapindus should be done at least two times a week.
Cover your hair
People, who are working outside longer time, keep a soft cloth around the head or wear a hat without having any damage. Dry in the fan air then after comb your hair. There is a risk breaking comb hair when wet.

Hibiscus flowers remedy
Take some Hibiscus flowers and boil them with the help of oil. Let it cool and apply it on the scalp gently.

Cleaning comb
Always clean your comb before brushing the hair.

Aloe Vera
Before having head bath apply aloe vera gel on the hair. Continue your bath after half an hour. You follow this regularly, you will get shiny hair.
Stress causes excess hair falling so keep your mind always calm. 
Hair mask with egg
A tbsp of honey is to be mixed with one yolk of an egg and one tbsp of extra virgin olive oil. Apply this mixture into roots by massage with your fingertips. Allow it be for thirty minutes. Rinse off and condition your hair. For better results, do this regularly. 
Eat protein
Hair is made from protein. Hair gets a building materiel to grow quicker. It advisable to eat more protein including nuts, red meats, eggs, chicken and fish etc. into your balanced diet.
Hair mask with potato juice
Make a juice with potatoes and mix it with a tbsp of raw honey and one yolk of egg. Spread it on the entire hair and wait for thirty minutes. Wash off your hair. This is an amazing and effective mask, which helps you hair grow faster.
Hair conditioner
Avoid applying hair conditioner to the roots of your hair. This will damage the hair roots. You can apply length of the hair. There is no problem in that.
Castor oil hair treatment
Apply castor oil over the hair and massage gently. This should be done before going to bed. Allow it to be for overnight. Wash and condition your hair next day morning. You will notice amazing difference after treatment.
Apple cider vinegar
Get rid of dirt and grime from your hair by apply the apply cider vinegar into the roots. And it helps to increase your hair growth and shining to the hair. A little of water is to be mixed with two tbsp of apply cider vinegar and mix them well. Apply it on the hair.
Warm oil scalp massage
If you want more tips on how to make your hair grow faster, try warm oil scalp massage. It’s a very easy trick, but it works wonders! Just heat up a little bit of oil (my most loved oils for this purpose are: linen oil, olive oil, coconut oil, argan oil and jojoba oil); never boil the oil, just slightly warm it up, so that it’s pleasantly warm and comfortable to touch, then, gently massage your scalp with this treatment or ask your partner to do it for you. If you have a friend or, better, a lover, who will give you this wonderful head massage, this experience will become even more pleasant! Ask them to massage your head, gently going through the roots of your hair in circular motions. This scalp massage can last for about fifteen or twenty minutes; then spread the oil on the length of your hair, wait for about half an hour and shampoo your locks thoroughly; you might even need to shampoo your hair twice. Not only this experience is very relaxing, but also, you will love the result. This treatment works wonders for the hair growth and makes your tresses look very shiny, glossy and healthy, especially, if you do it regularly.